Bombs away, Trebuchet!!

Jamie’s home learning project at the moment is Castles.  We don’t always join forces with him to help with his homework, mainly because we often don’t have the time, however sometimes the stars are in appropriate alignment and there are enough minutes/hours to get into a little more detail and try something new.  The last time we did this, Jamie was asked to produce a piece of work that had something to do with the Battle of Hastings.  This was the outcome (scripted and planed out by J, directed by me with the camera know how…)

We were very pleased with this piece of work, and apparently it went down well with the class as well, so although this time we were tempted to go down the film route again, we decided to do something a little more practical.  Build a weapon!  J had done some research and found out about siege weapons, and so we decide to see whether we could build a trebuchet, an old weapon that was designed to hurl large boulders through the air and smash castle walls up a bit.  A little research on the internet revealed that we could do something like this with bits and pieces from the garden, and so we did.  You can see the progress below…

Raw materials

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And then finally we got to try it out on a ‘castle’ with some real life peasants inside.  We’re thinking of going up to London to audition for a part in the next series of Robin Hood…

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