Christchurch Eye October Publication

The unedited version…because it’s a lot more interesting!

“Run Mummy, run!”…and suddenly I feel all strong and determined to not let him down, to model to him that I’m trying, as I desperately try to get to end of the road where he is sat casually on the street sign waiting for me to catch my breath. We arrive home and a little voice shouts from upstairs “Where have you been?”…and I reply back with satisfaction“I’ve been running”, as another child picks up my trainers and exclaims “actually these trainers are quite nice”.  I pick up my phone, text a friend and casually drop in ‘just back from running’ and feel ridiculously proud.

Being a Mum is fabulous but let’s be honest it’s also really hard; it’s exhausting, it pushes our limits and pulls on our emotions. One of the most important pieces of advice a friend gave to me was, if you want to help your family be the best they can be, focus first on being the best you can be.  Wow, it’s so simple and I tell my children this all the time but when you’re up to your eyes with everyone and everything – it’s sometimes tricky to see. I want my children to think of me as someone who loves them 100%, supports them and is their biggest cheer leader but I also want them to see that I invest in my own continuous pursuit of well being and happiness and follow my own passions, dreams and value my mind, body and heart.

So aware of the importance of having entertaining hobbies and interests outside of being a mum I’ve started running again – I’m not very good, I don’t run fast or competitively and I’m only just beginning to put the fear of looking stupid aside but I love that in a really small way I’m modelling to my children to have a go and not worry if you are not the best.

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I’m running with my children, on my own, with a super fit friend (we’ve all got one!) and in a running group and I love them all for completely different reasons. It makes me feel confident as I do something for myself and recognise my own self worth; I think as my feet bang down onto the pavement in time to the music thumping in my ears and I dig deep to run through the piercing side cramp when I run with my son and I laugh whilst I run with a group of friends.

Message from this is get out there and do something active.  Choose something to do this month to make it more fun and more productive – not a to do list but something which will make you feel happy and strong and that stretches you to do a little bit more than you thought you were capable of. If you’re interested in running and fancy running in a group around Christchurch area on a Thursday morning- email – beginners very welcome and if you’re already a runner sign up for the Two Riversmeet Christchurch 10 km on October 16th or be inspired and support the runners. There’s even a fun run for the kids to get involved in.

My October challenge is about to commence- I’m going to run more than once a week! I’ll be running with all my good intentions in the direction of becoming better and stronger. My enthusiasm is all pumped up; I’ll be timing my feet to hit the ground on the downbeat of “You’ve got the love”, pacing my breaths and rocking my new trainers and I have a feeling that I might begin to love it and hey even if I don’t then at least there’s a fleeting chance I’ll be able to keep up with my crazy crew of boys and wake up each day and hit the ground running….. And little thing I’ve found… Playing the Rocky theme song on repeat, immediately cuts the required effort in half on any run!

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