Christening Time and Harry Boo Birthday Time!

With five children and a strong part of me that can’t let an occasion pass by without some sort of celebration we always seem to be in the process of planning a party, having a party and clearing up from a party.

The next big non birthday celebration for us will be Archie’s christening. So the invites have gone out in preparation for his big day on July 10th and this means that I will be starting on the familiar process of coming up with food lists, ideas for decorations and thinking of different ways to make his special day fabulous.


So if you are one of Archie’s chosen special friends and you are reading this – then we can’t wait to see you on July 10th and promise that there will be lots of lovely food, drink and cuddles with Archie available.


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However non of this christening planning will be happening until Harry has his 2nd Birthday party.  Actually it is really his first party, as last year he had chicken pox and the combination of me feeling very sick whilst pregnant, being busy with work and other commitments we never quite got round to sorting out a party for Harry.  So this year I am determined to make sure that Harry boo gets a birthday party.  I think Sam is more excited about it than Harry though and is talking about it lots – planning spiderman slides, bouncy castles, treasure hunts etc for little Harry!  Obviously this is the party that Sam would like for himself and Harry and his little friends are going to be satisfied with a nice teddy bear’s picnic in the garden.

Here is his invite…


Bonus points to you if you spotted that I messed up and had to change the date of the party!  Bit of laziness on my behalf but I didn’t bother reprinting the invites.

I can’t wait to see Harry being the Birthday Boy and seeing all his little friends having fun!

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One Response to Christening Time and Harry Boo Birthday Time!

  1. Nicki says:

    Really looking forward to sharing in such wonderful milestones. Both invitations, posted on our notice board, initiate conversations in our house with much ahhing and ooing at Archie and Harry’s photos.

    Just got to sort out my teddy, but had loads of advice from Sam so shouldn’t be a problem. xx

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