Birthday Boy!

Hurrah! It is Harry’s birthday today and we are all very excited!  We are all probably a little bit more excited than Harry because he is only 2 and not really sure about this whole birthday thing but he is learning very quickly and by the time he gets to his party next weekend I think that he will be well sorted on knowing what it entails to be the birthday boy.  The boys decorated the house last night and made birthday cards full of lovely things like ‘you are the best bro’ and ‘I really, really like it when you are roaring about’ and ‘lots and lots and lots of love’ and wrapped up their presents for Harry.  Balloons or ‘boons’ as Harry likes to say were blown up by Jez and we were all set for today’s celebration.

This time last year Harry looked like this..

…and he was very, very sad.  We forced him into doing the birthday thing because it was his first birthday and first birthdays, along with double digit birthdays, 18th birthdays, 21st etc are big important milestones.  But he really didn’t feel like doing the birthday thing.   Thankfully for his second birthday he is feeling on top  of the world.

So here is his day so far in pictures…

This morning we all sat in bed and called for Harry to come down stairs – his initial response was ‘No!’ , however after a little more encouragement and the fact that he thought it might mean that breakfast was ready he gave in and slid down backwards down the stairs to our room.  He was met by a slightly croaky, out of tune but enthusiastic singing of Happy Birthday to kick start his day in style.  He loved it and you could almost see his little brain working overtime as he realised that today was special.  By the time he had climbed up into our bed he was getting the hang of the birthday thing! He ripped open the sparkly paper like a true pro to reveal a Peppa Pig tea set.  It was met with approval when Harry went ‘Ooooh’ and squealed ‘Pep Pig!’ ‘Pep Pig!’.

and so the day continued with Harry loving his Peppa Pig tea set but also quite liking my umbrella and playing hide and seek.  My very lovely Rob Ryan umbrella says ‘ and you face a rainy day…with a smile not a frown’ and we have so done that today.  It was pouring with rain this morning so much so that even Jamie noticed my fashion error of wearing flip flops and suggested that I changed into my wellies.  It rained all morning and so we filled the morning with a Peppa Pig tea party, birthday cake making and more presents (because when you are 2 it takes quite a while to open presents!).

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So far, so good on the birthday thing.  Harry is currently asleep which is why I can write this and we are all looking forward to birthday tea and more present opening tonight.

Happy Birthday Harry Boo! xxxx

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